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Child and Adolescent Gynaecology Consultation

Consulta do Pavimento Pélvico

The Childhood and Adolescent Gynaecology Consultation is a medical speciality dedicated to the gynaecological health of girls in childhood and adolescence, from birth to 18 years of age.

This consultation focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions that can affect the female reproductive system in this age group.


medical specialty available on the following units

What is the aim of this consultation?

Gynaecology in childhood and adolescence has some particularities that differ from adult women.

On the other hand, the adolescent phase is marked by significant transformations in the life of any young girl. Medical care is essential for adolescents to understand the physiological changes that are taking place.

The initial consultation in Childhood and Adolescent Gynaecology is therefore an important step for the young woman to get to know her own body and find out about her gynaecological health, and is not intended to encourage the start of sexual activity.

This consultation assesses the most common pathologies at this age: vaginal infections, bleeding, pelvic pain, menstrual irregularities and amenorrhoea (absence of menstrual periods).

An overall assessment of the child's/adolescent's state of health is carried out and issues related to childhood health, eating habits, physical activity and the menstrual cycle are addressed.

If appropriate, topics related to sexuality, the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and contraceptive methods are also approached.

This is how we empower young women to understand their bodies and educate them about prevention, preparing them to make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health, which has an impact on their health.

The idea of gynaecological examinations can cause anxiety for children/adolescents or even their parents. However, the doctor usually carries out superficial physical examinations, especially if the young girl has not started her sexual life.